Research Article
Jose Belda-Medina
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 2, Article No: ep575
This study investigates the impact of augmented reality (AR) on vocabulary and content learning, as well as attitudes, in a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) setting. The research, based on convenience sampling, involved 162 secondary education students from three schools, divided into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). The EG engaged in AR-based activities, while the CG used traditional handbook activities. The study’s objectives included evaluating the effectiveness of AR in enhancing learning outcomes and examining student attitudes toward AR. A quasi-experimental design was employed, incorporating pre- and post-tests and surveys. Results indicated that the EG showed significantly better retention and understanding of English vocabulary and content compared to the CG, suggesting that AR can enhance educational outcomes. Additionally, students in the EG reported higher levels of engagement and motivation, highlighting AR’s potential to improve student attitudes towards learning. These findings suggest that integrating AR into CLIL settings can provide substantial educational benefits, warranting further exploration and implementation in diverse educational contexts.
Keywords: augmented reality, CLIL, vocabulary acquisition, secondary education, educational technology
Research Article
B. Herawan Hayadi, Taqwa Hariguna
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article No: ep558
This study explores the factors influencing student engagement and behavioral intention towards mobile learning platforms, with a focus on widely used platforms in Indonesia, such as Ruangguru, Zenius, and Quipper. A total of 375 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 363 were deemed valid and used for analysis. The research employed structural equation modeling with partial least squares to analyze the data, aiming to uncover the key determinants driving the adoption of mobile learning. The findings highlight the significant impact of perceived usefulness (PU) on students’ attitudes toward mobile learning, emphasizing the crucial role of perceived utility in shaping positive attitudes. However, the study also reveals that the direct influence of PU on behavioral intention towards mobile learning is minimal, suggesting that attitude toward mobile learning plays a critical mediating role in this relationship. Additionally, the study demonstrates that perceived entertainment and facilitating conditions have substantial effects on shaping attitudes and behavioral intentions, underscoring the importance of enjoyment and support systems in fostering student engagement. The structural model developed in this research offers strong explanatory power, providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to the success of mobile learning platforms. The insights gained from this study offer valuable guidance for educators and developers seeking to enhance mobile learning experiences and improve educational outcomes through targeted interventions that address these key determinants.
Keywords: mobile learning platforms, student engagement, behavioral intention, structural equation modeling, educational technology
Research Article
Silvino Antonio Castañeda Rincón, Hayarelis Moreno Gudiño, Richard de Jesús Gil Herrera
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 3, Article No: ep522
In light of the growing diversity of students in the classroom, there is a pressing need to address the potential for discrimination against minorities, arising from cultural, socioeconomic, special needs, learning styles, and other differences. It is, therefore, essential to establish inclusive learning environments that guarantee equitable learning outcomes for all children and young people. This study aims to determine the impact of educational robotics (ER) in promoting emotional, cognitive, and social inclusion attributes through active methodologies among secondary students in public institutions. The applied methodology is composed of elements typical of active methodologies implemented in education and cited in the theoretical framework. The instruments employed to measure the classroom intervention process across various stages demonstrated a gradual improvement in the reference attributes of inclusive education. The findings suggest that ER can serve as a valuable tool for promoting inclusion in diversity contexts.
Keywords: diversity, educational robotics, educational technology, inclusion
Research Article
Leonardo David Glasserman-Morales, Carolina Alcantar-Nieblas, Marcela Inés Sisto
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article No: ep498
Nowadays, digital competencies encompass skills and attitudes with technical, informational, content, media, and communication aspects that are crucial for students and future professionals. Hence, there is a need to investigate the possible correlations between demographic and contextual variables and the development of digital competencies in higher education. This paper reports on several university-student demographic factors associated with digital competencies. The work used a quantitative approach with descriptive statistical techniques such as a means test and Pearson correlation analysis. The findings identified that (a) there are statistically significant differences between the mean obtained in the previous semester in digital competencies and the gender of the students, (b) there are no statistically significant differences in the final mean for digital competencies and the students’ institution of origin, and (c) the variables included in the study are statistically significant. They also found that the mean attained by the university students in the previous semester had a strong predictive power of student performance; in contrast, the student’s high school institution of origin variable was a weak predictor of their digital competency. This paper presents the findings and implications for practice and research.
Keywords: digital competencies, higher education, educational innovation, demographic factors, school factors, educational technology
Research Article
Emily Hope Morrison, Dimitrios Vlachopoulos
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep473
Globally, schools were faced with mandatory shutdowns in the wake of the recent COVID-19 outbreak. To avoid disruption in the education process, teachers and students used alternative education strategies and solutions, switching to emergency remote teaching and learning (ERTL). This change was completely unanticipated, and thus can only be perceived as a reactionary measure. The purpose of this basic qualitative study is to explore the experience of secondary students regarding ERTL, as well as their satisfaction with the tools used in the science curriculum. Challenging the assumption that the learning experience during ERTL would be similar in most subject areas, this qualitative study focuses on the aspects of the science curriculum that were complex to offer in an online setting, including experimentation and modelling of phenomena. To achieve this purpose, three focus groups with grade 8 students from an international school were conducted. Most of the participants described ERTL experience as having a predominantly negative affect on their engagement and academic performance, mainly because of their poor home learning environments, the duration of remote teaching, and the distractions that derive from the ongoing use of the Internet. At the same time, the findings revealed that, beyond the accessibility and interactivity appropriate technologies can offer, the use of tools like gamified pop-quizzes, video applications and interactive simulations can enhance the learning experience. The procedure followed for this research is easy to replicate at different contexts and, thus, generate enough data to reimagine science education from the lessons learned during ERTL.
Keywords: emergency remote teaching and learning, secondary education, science curriculum, qualitative research, technology for science curriculum, educational technology
Review Article
Azeneth Patiño, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Gerardo Ibarra-Vazquez
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep447
Complex thinking is a desired competency in 21st-century university students, so technology-based teaching and learning strategies must be carefully considered when training them in complex reasoning skills. This systematic review aims to map research on the use of teaching and learning strategies supported by technology to enhance complex thinking skills in university students. This review reports results according to PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses) guidelines. The search strategy was performed in June 2022 in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Of 151 records initially identified between 2018 and 2022, 32 papers were included in the final synthesis per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of this review indicate that (1) tech-based strategies for complex thinking development are based on active learning approaches including problem-based learning, case-based learning, collaboration-driven and discussion-based learning, project-based learning, assessment- and feedback-oriented activities, and mind mapping techniques; (2) most of the documented strategies were implemented in hybrid contexts; (3) traditional instructional materials commonly used for promoting higher order thinking skills such as reading assignments, videos, and eliciting/reflexive questions are still effective in fostering complex thinking when delivered through technology; and (4) custom-built technological development for complex thinking development software that incorporates emerging technologies is scarce at present. Further research is needed to document the interventions that train students interactively in complex thinking skills using Education 4.0 technologies.
Keywords: complex thinking, higher education, educational technology, educational innovation, Education 4.0
Research Article
Ana María Ortiz Colón, Tomás Izquierdo Rus, Javier Rodríguez Moreno, Miriam Agreda Montoro
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep439
Research has proven that TPACK model can significantly contribute to teachers’ training in their educational work, along with the training context, as well as to contribute to their initial training. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of teaching competence that teachers have according to TPACK model, as well as the variables that influence the technological implementation in the classroom. For the data analysis, we used a validated questionnaire composed by 47 items divided into the seven dimensions of TPACK model. We performed a stratified sampling by conglomerates in various stages, using public schools as a sampling unit. The sample is formed by 825 teachers. This is a descriptive and non-experimental investigation, where we performed a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test between the dimensions of the diagnosis scale and the socio-demographic variables. The most significant results have been the differences found regarding the educational stage and the age of the participants. It should be noted that the organization of the two stages, although based in the same principles and with common elements for the transition from one to another, is different. The study presents some adapted and focused training proposals in order to alleviate the training weaknesses of in-service teachers from TPACK model.
Keywords: TPACK, teacher training, primary education, child education, educational technology, lifelong learning
Research Article
Xiaoman Wang, John Hampton, Albert D. Ritzhaupt, Kara Dawson
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 4, Article No: ep383
As journal editors play an important role in defining and shaping academic discourse, knowing their opinions could likely prove beneficial for both current and future academic journal stakeholders. Within this vein, this study used the Delphi method to help build a profile on the trends and priorities within educational technology, from the unique perspective of the journals’ editors-in-chief. This expert panel—initially built from 117 national and international research journals—concluded with 25 editors-in-chief who finished all three rounds of the survey. Results indicated five emerging themes for trends and priorities: computer-focused, teaching and learning, online and digital education, societal, and research and theory. By exploring these current trends and priorities within educational technology, this study may provide meaningful insights to better understand the field as a whole and may also help scholars in their goal of publishing relevant, high-quality academic scholarship.
Keywords: educational technology research, trends, priorities, research journal editors, Delphi
Review Article
Ahmad Hamza Obidat
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep374
The main objective of this study is to present a bibliometric analysis of research on e-learning accessibility at the global level. The bibliometric literature was comprised of 1,325 documents, after data pre-processing, published in Scopus database, covering the period from 1985 to 2021. First, a performance analysis was conducted to assess the publication performance of authors, institutions, countries, and other actors. Second, a science mapping analysis was performed to reveal the structure and dynamics of the e-learning accessibility field. As a result, the most productive, sources, authors, institutions, and countries were identified. Also, the collaboration patterns between particular actors were assessed. Furthermore, the e-learning accessibility research themes and their interrelationships were uncovered. This study contributes to the literature by providing useful information about the e-learning accessibility research status quo and, helps policymakers to achieve effective research planning. That is, it helps in objectively identifying strengths and gaps in e-learning accessibility research in terms of its growth, development, themes, impact, and coverage.
Keywords: bibliometric analysis, e-learning, accessibility, disability, educational technology
Review Article
Miguel Angel Paidican, Pamela Alejandra Arredondo
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep370
This article presents the results of a scientific literature analysis based on Kitchenham’s (2004) proposal, regarding the technological-pedagogical knowledge of the content under the TPACK model. Research studies containing data-driven information in primary education were revised. The selection of the 622 articles was conducted in Scopus, WoS (Web of Science), ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), and Google Scholar databases; considering the period from which this model was initially described to May 2019. The following criteria were also observed: open access sources, referring to social sciences, and full text available. To conclude, there is limited scientific production regarding TPACK model in primary education, with 3,05% of the articles reviewed in this systematic literature review. An increase in using the TPACK model in terms of teacher knowledge and enriched environments with information and communication technology has also been observed. Participation of other members of the school community as students, parents and managers is also recommended.
Keywords: knowledge of teachers, educational technology, knowledge of technological pedagogical content (TPACK), primary school teachers, teacher training, Integration of technology
Book Review
Dahlia Dwedar
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 2, Article No: ep360
The post-millennial era and the Internet evolution have opened flood gates for e-learning as a mode of education. However, overreliance on secondary information as a vehicle to inform the impact of e-learning provides filtered information regarding online learning. Many studies and articles have explored the impetus of online learning, but there remains a gap in understanding online learning through the students’ perspective. In a provocative and equally intriguing book, George Veletsianos reconnoiters online learning by critically focusing on students’ experiences to inform his findings.
Keywords: e-learning, educational technology, internet education, open and distance learning
Research Article
José Manuel García-Vandewalle García, Marina García-Carmona, Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres, Pablo Moya-Fernández
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article No: ep330
Digital competence has become a new type of literacy that significantly impacts on people’s lives, as it is paramount to their social and occupational integration. In educational institutions, teachers play a major role in developing the digital skills of their students. This study aims to determine the key elements of teacher training in the use of innovative technologies and methodologies with a view to providing alternatives to improve the educational process. The objective is to overcome deficiencies in the training of teachers in new technologies and innovative methodologies. A qualitative study based on interview data is used in two phases. For the first phase research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight international education experts from various fields on how best to train teachers. The second phase research involved a text mining analysis of the interview transcripts based on sentiment analysis and word counts using the advanced R statistical programming language. The second phase research was conducted using the R statistical programming language. The interview transcripts were analysed using sentiment analysis and a word cloud. The results reveal that teacher education should be practice-focused and supervised by senior teachers with the aid of students and heads of schools. Moreover, standards should be set to monitor the digital competence of teachers, who should be trained on an ongoing basis to keep them up to date in the use of digital technologies.
Keywords: teacher education, teacher training, educational technology, educational innovation, pre-service education
Research Article
Eulho Jung, Hua Zheng, Nick Webster, Adonis Hamad, Fatih Demir, Dongho Kim
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 4, Article No: ep321
Higher education institutions partner with technology providers to stay competitive in the fast-evolving innovations of technological advancements. The purpose of this study is to reflect on and investigate technology integration cases at a mid-sized public university in the U.S. Taking a qualitative research approach, this study utilizes critical reflection and multiple case studies (Stake, 2006). After reviewing the data, a technology partnership model was created that is composed of five phases: (1) analysis, (2) negotiation, (3) pre-implementation, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. The findings indicate that a systematic process must be utilized to ensure efficiency in vendor–university partnerships. Discussions, limitations, and implementation are provided.
Keywords: technology partnerships, educational technology, online learning, vendor relationships, critical reflection
Review Article
Rakesh Kumar Meet, Devkant Kala
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 3, Article No: ep312
Advent of internet has a revolutionary impact on every sector of economy and so is with the education sector, which has witnessed the evolution of online education through scalable educational technology, namely, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The purpose of this paper is to summarize the pool of available knowledge related to MOOCs in the scholarly literature, published during the period 2013–2020. One hundred and two available published studies in peer reviewed journals & conferences searched in major academic databases have been reviewed and presented in the systematic literature review. The findings have been divided under the various research themes of MOOCs including geographical contribution of MOOC studies, citation trends, prominent research themes, theoretical frameworks and methodological rigor in the existing scholarly works. The results demonstrate that most empirical research were conducted by the researchers having affiliation to institutions based out of United States followed by institutions in the developing economies of China and India. The most focused area of research in MOOCs is on MOOC adoption. Limited research has happened on poor MOOC completion status, the instructor-related topics and on democratization of MOOC. Thrust areas of MOOC researches and future research directions are also discussed.
Keywords: Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), e-learning, online education, educational technology, technology adoption, literature review
Research Article
Nurullah Sahin, Mehmet Fatih Ozcan
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 198-213
The Turkish history has a very rich content in literary context as well as political and administrative achievements. The Turkish language, which dates back to B.C., has become one of the great languages that continues its existence until modern day, leaving priceless reference guide behind. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of lessons taught using activities designed with Augmented Reality Technology on the academic achievement and motivation of students in the teaching of the subjects of Yusuf Has Hacib, Kasgarli Mahmud, Kutadgu Bilig and Divanu Lugati’t-Turk which are among the cultural heritages called “Old Turkish Language Mementoes.” In this context, Augmented Reality environments were designed in relation to the mentioned works and authors and these designs were uploaded to AURASMA 3D application and made available for smart phones. Quantitative research model was adapted in the study and the quasi-experimental method with pre-test-post-test control group was used. At the end of the study whose procedures took 6 weeks in total with the involvement of 50 college students, it was determined that AR activities has a positive effect on the academic success of the students and increases the academic success of the students, and it creates a positive environment which motivates the students towards the lesson and learning.
Keywords: Augmented reality, Educational technology, Old Turkish language mementoes, Academic achievement, Student motivation
Research Article
Eylem Yalcin Incik, Cenk Akay
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 232-248
The main purpose of this research is to identify the competency and the perceptions of pre-service teachers on technopedagogical education. While study group of quantitative dimension is composed of 626 pre-service teachers; study group of qualitative extent is composed of 67 pre-service teachers. The sample represents 35% of the population of 1778 students. The quantitative data were collected through Technopedagogical Education Competency (Tpack-Deep) Scale and Technology Perception Scale and the qualitative data were collected with an open ended-question form. It was concluded that pre-service teachers generally regard themselves at a moderate level in the sense of technopedogogical education competency, have positive perception towards technology and there is a positive correlation between pre-service teachers’ technopedogogical educational competency and perception towards technology. According to results of qualitative analysis of the study, pre-service teachers think that educational technologies have contributions to preparing information-communication technologies based upon presentations, developing technology-based materials, preparing homework, doing research, raising awareness about the importance of educational technology use in the learning and teaching process, acquiring information about their department, developing skill of using technology based on information-communication technologies and having positive attitude
Keywords: Educational technology, Technopedagogical competency education, Information technology, Preservice teacher, Teaching and learning
Research Article
Nuray Gedik
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 76-98
Instructional Technology is a field having approximately a century old past. From its initial
conceptualization to date, it has been in question in terms of its label, definition, and scope.
Parallel to international interest, Turkey has embraced IT as a field of study and practice.
This qualitative study aims to investigate the existing conceptions of experts on
Instructional Technology in Turkey and reveal the current status of the field from their
perspectives in terms of its definition, purpose, scope, and research approaches. The
experts were chosen from among Turkish academics having a PhD degree in the field. The
results showed that diverse definitions were made with an interchangeable use of the labels
“Educational Technology” and “Instructional Technology”. The emphasis for the purpose
was on “how to” best support/facilitate/enhance/improve instruction and learning in a
broad scope. The experts found gaps on the methodological aspects of existing studies. The
results showed that there existed a dilemma between the conception of what IT should be
and the practical use of what it really is. There were both common concerns with other
countries and concerns unique to Turkey. The main challenges were discussed for further
Keywords: instructional technology, educational technology, instructional design, instructional systems design, conceptualizations of instructional technology
Research Article
Ekaterina Pechenkina, Carol Aeschliman
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 26-39
This article, with its focus on university students as intended recipients and users of
technological innovations in education, explores student preferences across three
dimensions of technology-enhanced learning: mode of instruction; communication; and
educational technology tools embedded in learning and teaching activities. The article
draws on results of an exploratory case study, where mixed (quantitative and qualitative)
data was collected from a randomized student sample generated through the institutional
learning management system. An online survey (N=66) gaged students’ engagement with
educational technologies, online and blended learning and social media as a learning tool.
The findings confirmed previous research arguing that students generally use educational
technology in a narrow way, rarely engaging with technological tools, unless it is presented
to them as integral to their learning or if they are already familiar with a particular tool
and/or perceive it as useful. Despite a well-cited characteristic by proponents of ‘digital
natives’ that students need constant entertainment, this study found no evidence that this
was the case.
Keywords: educational technology, student preferences, blendid learning, social media
Research Article
Filiz Goktuna Yaylaci, Ali Faruk Yaylaci
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 241-263
There have been a wide range of studies on the interplay between education and technology. Furthermore, there are many other studies aimed at analyzing the scholarly output on this subject with a holistic approach. However the studies are mostly focused on the facilitator role of technology. Although the idea that educational processes have become more fun, thanks to the widespread use of technology, there is a strong need for the critical analysis of the interplay among education, entertainment and technology. Taking this need into account, and drawing on Neil Postman’s critical approach on this trio, this article aims to discuss and evaluate the tendencies and understandings in relation to the notion of “edutainment” primarily with reference to “edutainment” studies carried out in Turkey. It is expected that this evaluation would contribute to similar future studies, thus helping the policy development. According to findings of the study, although the edutainment studies in Turkey reflect the general tendency throughout the world, there only a few of them quantitatively. There is no consensus on the designation and definition of the concept of edutainment. From Postman’s point of view, it could be said that edutainment studies in Turkey lack a critical perspective with regard to technology and entertainment, and there is a quite limited framework.
Keywords: Edutainment, Educational technology, Entertainment, Technopoly, Neill Postman
Research Article
Sydney E. Brown, Sarah Thomas Karle, Brian Kelly
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 260-280
DSGN110 was a multidisciplinary course teaching first year students enrolled in in a variety of majors about design thinking. The course is offered for the majors of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, community and regional planning, along with computer science and business students. By blending face-to-face and online instructional strategies, desired practices and learning outcomes associated with the more intimate nature of studio-based learning and learning through action were scaled and achieved in the large enrollment course. The quantitative analysis of the pre and post survey revealed significant change across all constructs and the qualitative data analysis supported these findings, demonstrating that a blended course design utilizing collaborative technology platforms offered an innovative solution to teaching and learning in a manner reflective of a studio-based pedagogy.
Keywords: Blended learning, Studio-based learning, Design thinking, Mixed methods, Technology and learning, Educational technology
Research Article
Saifuddin Khalid, Kamrul Islam, Tom Nyvang
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 263-280
In a rural context in a developing country purchasing a computer and connecting it to the Internet is in itself difficult, even when the lack of money is a minor issue. These issues prevent individuals in rural communities from familiarizing themselves with educational technology and ICT in general. The present study investigates the specific barriers to buying and utilizing ICT and ways in which these barriers can be overcome in a case study involving stakeholders from an educational institution in rural Bangladesh. Through a transformative methodology and a phenomenographic approach to the analysis (Larsson & Holmström, 2007), interview data on the decision-making experience of computer purchases, and the after-purchase experience of learning computer-related skills, the integration of the technology and the skills in interviewees’ (students and teachers) learning environments is analyzed. The barriers to purchasing a computer fall in four major categories: Cultural, financial, infrastructural, and knowledge barriers; with knowledge transcending the other barriers. When addressing the barriers to facilitate purchase of a computer locally situated knowledge is crucial. The study concludes that more research is needed to fully understand the diffusion and development of knowledge and inclination to purchase a computer.
Keywords: Phenomenography, Educational technology, Barriers to technology, Diffusion of innovations, Promoting ICT, Training facilitation.
Research Article
Zeynel A. Misirli, Yavuz Akbulut
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 249-262
The use of emerging technologies shape learners’ knowledge creation and transformation processes. In this regard, this study aimed to develop a scale to investigate 8th graders’ competencies regarding the educational technology standards based on ISTE-NETS. After a review of relevant literature, an item pool was prepared. The pool was improved through expert opinions and pilot implementations. The items were administered to 620 Turkish students from six different cities for the exploratory factor analysis (EFA). A four-factor structure with a total of 21 items emerged and explained 51 percent of the total variance. Factors were named technical proficiency, creativity, digital citizenship and participation, and innovativeness. Each factor had acceptable internal consistency coefficients. For the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the scale was administered to 210 new participants from a different city in Turkey. A few modification indices led to acceptable fit values. Thus, the suggested factor structure was considered plausible. Implications of the study were provided, followed by the recommendations for further research.
Keywords: Technology integration, Technology literacy, Educational technology standards, NETS-S, Scale development
Research Article
Hersh C. Waxman, Anna Witt Boriack, Yuan-Hsuan Lee, Angus MacNeil
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 187-196
A sample of 311 principals from a large metropolitan area in the southwest region of the U. S. responded to a questionnaire that addressed public school principals’ perceptions related to the major functions of technology in their schools. Principals reported that the major functions of technology were: (a) communication, (b) instruction, (c) data sharing and management, (d) a resource, (e) administrative tasks, and (f) student learning. Male principals felt that technology was used as a resource and for administrative tasks more than female principals. Furthermore, principals with 12 or more years of experience perceived that technology was used for instruction, data sharing and management, and administrative tasks more than principals with less than 12 years of experience. These results indicate that both gender and years of experience influence how principals perceive the functions of technology in their schools. This could affect the technology leadership of principals, which may influence the success of technology implementation in schools.
Keywords: Technology use, Principals’ use of technology, Educational technology, ICT in schools, Technology integration
Research Article
Myriah T. Miller, Jill Olthouse
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 66-80
This comparative study identified the differences between gifted children’s offline and online peer feedback within a summer talented writer’s workshop. Researchers analyzed ten students’ writings for degrees of critical thinking evident in their feedback. Online feedback included students’ writings in social writing sites and KidBlog. Offline feedback was submitted on a teacher designed rubric, and then incorporated into a revised manuscript using Microsoft Word. Critical thinking was defined as the three upper tiers of Bloom’s Taxonomy: analysis, and evaluation, and synthesis. Each comment in students' online and offline feedback was coded according to one of the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. In addition, interpretative summaries were written describing how students used feedback within each category. Results indicated that critical thinking (specifically analysis and evaluation) was more evident in the responses that were structured opposed to those that were in the social media contexts. There was also evidence of an increased amount of informal dialogue in the online feedback opposed to the structured feedback. Online writing technologies are seen to be most successful when teachers' expectations for critical thinking and students' desire for informal positive feedback are combined; this success depends on the presence of a skilled teacher and supportive peers, rather than on the presence of a specific technology tool.
Keywords: Critical thinking, Educational technology, Peer feedback, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Gifted Students, Social Media, Writing
Research Article
Mohsen Bagheri, Wan Zah Wan Ali, Maria Chong Binti Abdullah, Shaffe Mohd Daud
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 15-29
Given the importance of globalization as well as the need to train skilled and knowledgeable employees for the 21st century workforce, higher education needs to take a more critical look at the educational practices and instructional methods which lead to improvements in students’ essential skills such as self-directed learning. This study sought to examine the effects of project-based learning (PoBL) strategy on students’ self-directed learning skills in a system-based education course offered in the educational technology department of Arak University in Iran. In order to achieve this end, a sample of 78 students in the field of educational technology who enrolled in the system-based education course was selected. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: the experimental group (PoBL strategy) and control group (conventional teaching strategy). The self-directed learning readiness scale (SDLRS) was administrated three times (i.e. pretest, post-test one, and post-test two). The experimental group received the PoBL strategy and the control group was exposed to conventional teaching (CT) methods. The results of two-way repeated measure ANOVA tests revealed that students who were taught using PoBL strategy performed significantly better in terms of self-directed learning skills than did students who were taught using CT strategy.
Keywords: Project-based learning, Self-directed learning, Educational technology, Higher education
Research Article
Adrie A. Koehler, Minchi C. Kim
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 212-233
Teachers are faced with many barriers during their first few years of teaching, and they desire support to help them through this challenging time. Unfortunately, many beginning teachers rarely receive this assistance. Lack of support can create barriers that grow into to overall job dissatisfaction and lead to the failure of teacher retention. In the past, state departments of education and school administrators have focused on the use of mentoring programs to help address these concerns. However, much inconsistency exists among these programs’ duration, structure, and intensity, with many beginning teachers changing schools or leaving the profession all together. The purposes of this paper are to discuss key problems and concerns faced by beginning educators, to explore current professional development practices created for assisting beginning teachers, and to examine new ways to support beginning teachers through the use of educational technologies. Specifically, this article proposes principles to guide the design and improvement of beginning teacher induction programs through the incorporation of distance education technologies
Keywords: Beginning teacher induction, Distance education, Barriers to teaching, Guidelines for the use educational technology in teacher training
Research Article
Keith E. Nelson, Aran Barlieb, Kiren Khan, Elisabeth M. Vance Trup, Mikael Heimann, Tomas Tjus, Mary Rudner, Jerker Ronnberg
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 184-200
How individual differences in information processing affect second language (L2) learning has been unclear in prior research. Adults lacking prior skill in Swedish were pretested for working memory, processing speed, and executive memory capacity. Participants then received 6 computer-based instructional sessions with pictorial animations of Swedish sentences, with a built-in experimental contrast between some lessons at high and some at low rates of presentation. The faster rate carried greater processing demands for the learners. Higher levels of Swedish performance during Instructional sessions were associated with higher working memory levels, as expected from widely-used models of working memory (e.g., Baddeley & Hitch, 1994). In contrast, results at demanding long-term retrieval on a posttest were more complex and revealed several dynamic relationships between processing speed, working memory, and Swedish language learning. Learners with low rather than high working memory showed higher L2 skills at long-term testing when instructional lessons had employed fast animations. This first-time demonstration that prior cognitive profiles strongly influence learners’ progress in second language requires refinements in existing theories. Further, the results hold certain implications for tailoring second language teaching on-line or in other technology-based instruction to learner profiles on abilities in working memory, processing speed, and executive memory
Keywords: Educational technology, Software, Designing learner-sensitive procedures, Computer-assisted learning, Second language acquisition, Dynamic systems
Research Article
Casimir C. Barczyk, Emily Hixon, Janet Buckenmeyer, Heather Zamojski
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 99-114
Students at a regional campus of a Midwestern university were surveyed using an online questionnaire to determine their ownership, skill, and use of technological devices. Four hundred ninety-three students responded to the survey. It was found that the survey sample mirrored the student population at the university. Students owned and used a wide variety of electronic devices. Eighty five percent of the students owned laptop computers, 62% digital phones, 60% desktop computers, and 52% gaming systems. Students used electronic devices an average of 6.03 hours per week on classroom activities and 3.93 hours per week surfing the Internet for pleasure. They perceived themselves as being very skilled at using email, surfing the web, and word processing. It was also found that there was a significant correlation between students’ ownership of and skill with educational technology and their experience with Blackboard. Technological barriers were found to have a negative impact on students’ experience with Blackboard. Those barriers also negatively impacted their technological use and skill. A simple linear regression model explains that students’ experience with Blackboard is enhanced by having greater skill with technology, but is diminished when confronted with technological barriers. Implications for course design are discussed.
Keywords: Educational Technology, Post-Secondary Education, Student Experience with Technology, Barriers to Use Technology, Course Design
Research Article
Cristina Portugal, Rita Maria de Souza Couto
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 60-75
This article describes a development work whose focus was examining whether designing a game as an educational technology based on interdisciplinary dialogue between design and education can contribute to education of deaf children in learning a language. Through methods and techniques of design it was sought to identify how this area of knowledge can be part of the processes of teaching and learning in terms of developing learning materials to enhance the strategies of acquiring knowledge. The work was guided by the Multi-Tracks, which is a game to help the acquisition of a second language by deaf children. This game was developed in light of methods and techniques of design, under the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Design/Education - LIDE, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in partnership with the National Institute of Education for the Deaf in Rio de Janeiro-INES/RJ. The development work was particularly interested in designing learning materials for deaf children by considering their special traits and dialogue with the surrounding reality. Considering that educational technology research in special education is rather weak, it was thought that this work may contribute to this interdisciplinary area.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary design, Educational technology, Learning games, Deaf Children, Special education
Research Article
Hwee Ling Lim
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 306-321
Sociocultural constructivism assumes that a learner’s capacity for intellectual growth increases with the presence of scaffolding or support during interaction. Moreover, from participating in dialogic interaction, there is appropriation of the knowledge shared and jointly created by learners which could transform individual understandings. Hence, interactions are opportunities for scaffolding and appropriation that affect intellectual development. This paper presents a study of an online course based on constructivist principles and evaluates the extent to which an instructional activity, supported by synchronous communication technology in a virtual environment, fosters collaborative learning. Survey findings on two student groups’ experiences of collaborative learning during online tutorials are presented. The results indicated that scaffolding was available as peers’ efforts in provision and clarification of ideas during tutorial discussions. Also, appropriation of shared knowledge was present as students’ perceptions of own attainment of learning from peer contributions during discussions. The conclusion discusses the effectiveness of the instructional activity in facilitating collaborative learning and offers recommendations for future research.
Keywords: Collaborative learning, Computer-mediated communication, Educational technology, Sociocultural constructivism, Virtual learning environment.
Research Article
Steven M. Ross, Gary R. Morrison, Deborah L. Lowther
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 17-35
Today, the exponential growth of technology usage in education, via such applications of distance education, Internet access, simulations, and educational games, has raised substantially the focus and importance of educational technology research. In this paper, we examine the past and present research trends, with emphasis on the role and contribution of research evidence for informing instructional practices and policies to improve learning in schools. Specific topics addressed include: (a) varied conceptions of “effective” technology uses in classroom instruction as topics for research, (b) historical trends in research approaches and topics of inquiry; (c) alternative research designs for balancing internal (rigor) and external (relevance) validity; and (d) suggested directions for future research. Attention is devoted to describing varied experimental designs as options for achieving appropriate rigor and relevance of research evidence, and using mixed-methods research for investigating and understanding technology applications in complex real-life settings.
Keywords: Educational technology research, Technology and learning, Research designs and trends, Impact of technology on learning